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Eco Mark News
Back Number No.73~No.67
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Establishment of Certification Criteria
Following one draft certification criteria are open to public for comments (from January 15 to March 14);
No.136 “Reusable Products (B. Air Cleaner Elements for medium-size and large-size automobiles)”

Please find table 1 for comments submission.

Partial Revision of Certification Criteria
Following one certification criteria was partially revised on December 13, 2007;
No.140 “Refill Containers and Resource Saving Containers Version 1.0”

Table 1:
How to Submit Comments on the Draft Certification Criteria
  Please write the following matters and send to the destination described below by regular mail, Fax or e-mail;
  -Address, Name, Occupation, Contact telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address
-Name of the certification criteria for Eco Mark product category to give opinion
-Opinions on the above proposal criteria
  *When you send by mail or Fax, please write these matters on A4 size paper.
*When you attach a file to e-mail, please use MS-Word or Excel format.
  Due date of submission: March 14 (Fri), 2008
*Postmark on the above date is effective for regular mail. Please send e-mail by 17:00.
  Destination: Criteria and Certification Section, Eco Mark Office,
Japan Environment AssociationAddress: Bakurocho Daiichi BLDG., 1-4-16 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0002 JAPAN
FAX: +81-3-5643-6257
Contact: Criteria and Certification Section, Eco Mark Office (TEL +81-3-5643-6253)
*Please understand that we do not accept your opinions by telephone.


Establishment of Certification Criteria
Following three certification criteria was established on November 1;
  1. No.123 “Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version2.1”
Addition: interior board, insulation material, sound absorbent, acoustical and vibration insulation

2. No.137 “Building Products (Materials for Exterior Finish and Construction) Version 1.0”
Addition: plastic material for deck, wooden/plastic recycled compounds, storm water storage

3. No.138 “Building Products (Materials for Supplies) Version 1.0”
Addition: toughened PVC tube for discharging water and aeration

Announcement of Draft Certification Criteria
Following five draft certification criteria are open to public for comments;
  1. No.123 “Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version2.1”
Addition: vinyl floor material, slip stopper for stairs, Braille stud, free access floor, folding doors
2. No.137 “Building Products (Materials for Exterior Finish and Construction) Version 1.0”
Addition: roofing material (ceramic), armoring material (ceramic)
3. No.138 “Building Products (Materials for Supplies) Version 1.0”
Addition: residential inlet
4. No.139 “Building Products (Equipment) Version1.0”
Addition: Water-resistant pan
5. “Ink Cartridges Version1.0”

Please find table 1 in the next page for comments submission.

Partial Revision of Certification Criteria
Following four certification criteria were partially revised on October 5;
  1. No.131 “Civil Engineering Products Version1.7”
2. No.123 “Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version2.1”
3. No.137 “Building Products (Materials for Exterior Finish and Construction) Version1.0”
4. No.138 “Building Products (Materials for Supplies) Version1.0”

Eco Mark Product Category Assessment
  1 out of 9 suggestions assessed firstly and 1 suggestion assessed secondly for new product category were decided to include in existing product categories.

Extension of Term of Validity of Certification Criteria
  Term of validity for 19 product categories is extended as shown as table 2.

New Product Category
  Establishment of a Working Group was decided in order to develop new product category “shoes”

Table 1:
How to Submit Comments on the Draft Certification Criteria
  Please write the following matters and send to the destination described below by regular mail, Fax or e-mail;
  -Address, Name, Occupation, Contact telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address
-Name of the certification criteria for Eco Mark product category to give opinion
-Opinions on the above proposal criteria
  *When you send by mail or Fax, please write these matters on A4 size paper.
*When you attach a file to e-mail, please use MS-Word or Excel format.
  Due date of submission: December 30 (Sun), 2007
*Postmark on the above date is effective for regular mail. Please send e-mail by 17:00.
  Destination: Criteria and Certification Section, Eco Mark Office,
Japan Environment AssociationAddress: Bakurocho Daiichi BLDG., 1-4-16 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0002 JAPAN
FAX: +81-3-5643-6257 e-mail:
Contact: Criteria and Certification Section, Eco Mark Office (TEL +81-3-5643-6253)
*Please understand that we do not accept your opinions by telephone.

Table 2:
Extension of term of validity of Certification Criteria
expiration date
expiration date
102 Printing Ink Version2
110 Biodegradable Lubricating Oil Version2
103 ClothesVersion2
104 Household Textile Products Version2
105 Textile Products for Industrial Use Version2
106 Paper for Communication Version2
107 Printing Paper Version2
108 Sanitary Paper Version2
125 Garbage Disposer Version1
111 Board Made of Wood or the Like Version2
114 Paper Packaging Materials Version2
115 Products Using Thinned-out Wood, Reused Wood, etc.Version2
128 Household Commodity Version1
129 Recycled Soap Made from Cooking Oil Version1
130 Furniture Version1
109 Tile-blocks Version2
112 Stationery/Office Supplies Version1
113 Packaging Paper Version2
131 Products for Civil Engineering Version1


Establishment of Certification Criteria

Following two certification criteria was established on August 27;
  1. No.101 “Bags/Suitcases Version 1.0”
2. No.120 “Paper Printed Matter Version 2.0”

Partial Revision of Certification Criteria
Following seven certification criteria were partially revised on August 2;
  1. No.117 “Copiers Version 2.1”
2. No.117 “Copiers Version2.2”
3. No.122 “Printers Version2.0”
4. No.123 “Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version2.0”
5. No.128 “Household Commodity Version1.5 Ebr> 6. No.132 “Toner Cartridges Version1.2”
7. No.133 “Digital Duplicators Version1.1”

Eco Mark Product Category Assessment
Following one suggestion for new product category was subjected to second assessment;
  1. “Reusable Car Air Filters”


Establishment of Certification Criteria

Following three certification criteria was established on July 2;
  1. No.121 “Returnable Containers / Packaging Materials Version 2.0”
2. No.140 “Refill Containers/Resource Saving Containers Version1.0”
3. No.141 “Biodegradable Plastic Products Version1.0”

Partial Revision of Certification Criteria
Following two certification criteria were partially revised on June 8;
  1. No.112 “Stationery/Office Supplies Version 1.6 Ebr> 2. No.126 “Paints Version2.0”

Extension of Term of Validity
Following one certification criteria were partially revised on June 8;
  1. No.120 “Paper Printed Matters”


Establishment of Certification Criteria

Following certification criteria was established on April 13;
  1. No.126 “Paints Version 2.0 E/a>

Following certification criteria were established on May 5;
  1. No.122 “Printers Version 2.0 E
2. No.124 “Glass Products Version 2.0 E/a>
3. No.123 “Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version 2.0 E
4. No.137 “Building Products (Materials for Exterior Finish and Construction) Version 1.0 E/a>
5. No.138 “Building Products (Materials for Supplies) Version1.0 E
6. No.139 “Building Products (Equipment) Version 1.0 E

Announcement of Draft Certification Criteria

Following five draft certification criteria are open to public for comments (from May 5 to July 3);
  1. No.101 “Bags and Suitcases Version1.0”
2. No.123 “Extension of Applicable Scope of Building Products (Materials for Interior Work) Version 2.0”
3. No.137 “Extension of Applicable Scope of Building Products (Materials for Exterior Finish and Construction) Version 1.0”
4. No.138 “Extension of Applicable Scope of Building Products (Materials for Supplies)Version1.0”
5. No.139 “Extension of Applicable Scope of Building Products(Equipment) Version 1.0
Please refer to the description in the next page for comments submission.

Partial Revision of Certification Criteria

Following seven certification criteria were partially revised on April 13;
  1. No.109 “Tile-blocks Version2.2”
2. No.115 “Products using Thinned-out Wood, Reused Wood, etc. Version2.3”
3. No.117 “Copiers Version2.1”
4. No.119 “Personal Computers Version2.1”
5. No.126 “Paints Version1.6”
6. No.128 “Household Commodity Version1.2”
7. No.131 “Civil Engineering Products Version1.6”

Following one certification criteria was partially revised on May 5;
  1. No.132 “Toner Cartridges Version1.1”


Announcement of Draft Certification Criteria

* Eco Mark Product Category No.121“Returnable Containers/Packaging Materials Version2.0”
  A. Glass bottles, glass containers, and packaging materials
B. Plastic containers and packaging materials
C. Paper containers and packaging materials
D. Wood or bamboo containers and packaging materials
E. Metal containers and packaging materials
F. Pottery and earthenware containers
G. Fiber packaging materials
H. Other containers and packaging materials

* Eco Mark Product Category No.138“Refill Containers/Resource Saving Containers Version1.0”
  A.Refill Containers
B.Resource Saving Containers

* Eco Mark Product Category No.139“Biodegradable Plastic Products Version1.0”




Committee Report/Decisions
* Eco Mark Committee for Establishing Category and Criteria (45th Meeting)
* Status of Certification Criteria

Announcement of Draft Certification Criteria

* Eco Mark Product Category No.123“Building Products (Materials) Version2.0”, No.124“Glass Products Version2.0”, No.126“Paints Version2.0”,No.137“Building Products (Fixtures) Version1.0”

* We Started to Publish“Eco Mark News Bulletin” and Halted Sending“Annex”
* Securing the Legitimacy of Wood and Wooden Products for Eco Mark

Information on Eco Mark Products
* Three Companies with Eco Mark Products Acquired Cross-jurisdictional Certification for the Treatment of“End-of-Life Fire Extinguisher”

* Eco Mark Office Ran an Exhibition Booth at“Eco-Products 2006 EJointly with Other Organizations

Related Information
* “Tokai Area Three Prefectures and One City Green Purchasing Campaign Eis Now Underway
* Eco Mark will Participate in a Symposium Held by Kashiwa City as a Panelist

[Announcement of Draft Certification Criteria]
* Eco Mark Product Category No.123“Building Products (Materials) Version2.0”
  C-1 Roofing
D-1 Artificial stone
E-1 Wooden floor
H-1 Paper sliding-door, Fusuma door
H-2 Sliding-door paper, Fusuma paper
I-1 Boards
I-2 Tatami mat
I-3 Wall paper

* Eco Mark Product Category No.124“Glass Products Version2.0”
  A. Glass Bottles
B. Plate Glass
C. Safety Glass for Road and Railway Vehicles
D. Electrical glass
E. Glass for Physics and Chemistry and Medical Use
F. Glass Filaments

* Eco Mark Product Category No.126“Paints Version2.0”
  A. Lacquer
B. Resin Solvent Paints
C. Resin Water-soluble Paints
D. Paints for Road Surface Signs
E. Other Paints (Oil-based Paints)
F. Paints for Buildings
G. Household Paints
H. Coating Powder
I. Paints conforming to Japanese Architectural Standard Specifications

J. Automotive Repair Paints
K. Paints Not Listed in JIS or Industrial Paints

* Eco Mark Product Category No.137“Building Products (Fixtures) Version1.0”
  A. Fire escape apparatus, security system

[Small Partial Revision of Certification Criteria]
* Eco Mark Product Category No.136“Reusable Products Version1.0”(excerpts of the revised sections only)
* Certification criteria (drafts) are available on Eco Mark Office website. Please download the necessary data from the website. If you need the data in the form of printed matter, please contact Promotion Section, Eco Mark Office.

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