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Examination for Eco Mark Certification and Notification of Results
[Procedure to certification]

1)Examination for Product Certification
  The Eco Mark Office will check the documents for application, and in the event of any incompletion, etc., and the Office will request by facsimile, etc. the applicant for submittal of additional documents (If there is any incompletion in the documents, etc., no certification examination will be commenced until completion of the documentation by submittal of such additional documents, etc.)
After completion of the documentation regarding such incompletion, etc. by the deadline date (in the first week next month, as a rule), examination will be carried out at the certification committee meeting (which will be held once a month) during the month (immediately after the deadline date).

(Note) Note that as necessary, a request for the submittal of additional material may be made and investigation on certification criteria, etc. may be carried out by the Eco Mark Office.

2) Notification of an examination result
  The result of examination will be notified in writing about one week after completion of the certification examination in the examination committee meeting. However, if the case has been judged to require continued examination (be put on hold), you may have to wait until completion of the examination.
(Note 1) Please understand that we will not be able to reply to an inquiry about the result by telephone, etc.
(Note 2) Certification for the Eco Mark may be cancelled if any false description is included in the "Application for Eco Mark Certification and Use" (including all the documentation required such as certificates), etc., of if the Eco Mark Office has judged that such cancellation is necessary in order to ensure proper implementation of the Eco Mark program.